Life insurance for children: Building a secure future

With its numerous benefits, a life insurance policy enables parents to provide their children with a comprehensive and secure financial backup. Photo:

Life insurance is one of the most strategic financial tools available to parents to safeguard their children's future. With the promise of financial security in the absence of the parents, a life insurance policy can provide children with sufficient funds to cater to their financial needs and live a secure life.

For parents, investing in life insurance is a pivotal step in building a secure future for their children. Let's discuss the many ways in which life insurance can single-handedly alleviate numerous financial concerns you may harbour for your children.

Benefits of life insurance in India that parents must know

1. Building a secure future

Life insurance plans can be ideal to build a secure future for your children. They offer a variety of categories, catering to different financial objectives and risk preferences. These categories range from term insurance, which provides pure protection in the tragic absence of parents, to Unit-Linked Insurance Plans (ULIPs) that help you invest your money, and endowment plans, which offer low-risk savings.

Parents can select any of these options based on their risk preference, investment horizon, income and budget to effectively plan for their child's future needs. Life insurance can help cover various expenses for your child, including higher education, healthcare, marriage and any other significant or minor financial requirement they may encounter later in life.

2. Leaving a legacy behind for the child

A tragedy such as the untimely departure of a parent can render a child emotionally and financially vulnerable. While the emotional loss of losing a parent cannot be compensated for, a life insurance policy can offer invaluable financial support to the child, ensuring their needs are met even in the absence of the parent.

Life insurance is more than just leaving funds for your children. It is about leaving behind a lasting legacy that can help your child prosper in life. It serves as a tangible reminder of your significant contribution to their well-being and future success.

3. Catering to unexpected financial needs

Life insurance plans offer more than just a death benefit in the event of a tragic incident during the policy term. They also help you in various unexpected situations where you might need additional financial support. Life insurance policies provide the option to enhance the life cover with additional riders, which can be added for an extra premium.

The critical illness rider is among the popular riders available with life insurance plans. This rider offers a lump sum payout upon diagnosis of a major or minor critical illness. It helps cover medical expenses and replaces lost income. Similarly, the terminal illness rider provides a lump sum payout in case of a terminal illness diagnosis and ensures financial stability during challenging times.

Life insurance riders not only protect your income but also safeguard your family's financial well-being. For instance, the accidental death rider offers an additional payout to help loved ones cope with the sudden loss of a family member. Additionally, the permanent disability rider provides a waiver of future premiums if the insured parent experiences permanent disability. The rider ensures continued financial security for the family despite potential loss of income.

4. Fighting inflation

With its substantial life cover options, life insurance allows parents to create a financial nest for their children that remains resilient against inflation. Unlike traditional savings, which may depreciate in value as prices escalate over time, life insurance payouts stand the test of time and provide a reliable means for your children to address their future financial requirements. 

5. Offering peace of mind

A life insurance policy can eliminate stress for parents by offering guaranteed financial protection. Irrespective of whether your policy has a financial component or not, you always have a financial safety net in the form of the death benefit.

The life cover, chosen at the time of purchasing the policy, remains consistent regardless of the policy's duration. You can tailor the life cover based on various factors such as your lifestyle, income, your children's future aspirations, outstanding debts and more and ensure that the amount is sufficient to meet all your family's needs.

The assurance of having adequate funds available for your family's every need can provide you with invaluable peace of mind.

6. Maximising savings

You can claim tax benefits on life insurance in India. According to prevailing laws, you can use a tax deduction on the premium paid towards life insurance under two sections of The Income Tax Act, 1961.

Section 80C permits deductions on premiums paid for all types of life insurance plans, including premiums paid for riders. Additionally, Section 80D allows deductions on premiums paid for health riders, such as critical illness benefits.

Furthermore, the death benefit paid to your child in your absence is exempt from all taxes under Section 10(10D) of The Income Tax Act, 1961. This ensures that your child receives the entire payout without any tax deductions.

These tax benefits enable you to maximise your savings by reducing your annual taxable income.

To sum it up

The role of a parent is ongoing, but investing in a life insurance plan can end many of your concerns. With its numerous benefits, a life insurance policy enables parents to provide their children with a comprehensive and secure financial backup. Life insurance offers flexibility, assurance, and peace of mind and can be adaptable to diverse circumstances. Therefore, parents must consider using life insurance to build a secure future for their children.  

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