Not cowardice, but failure to answer: Shammi Thilakan on AMMA's executive resignations

Shammi Thilakan

Shammi Thilakan has voiced his concerns following the dissolution of the AMMA (Association of Malayalam Movie Artists) executive committee. He criticised the mass resignation as a betrayal of those who voted for the committee members. However, he refrained from calling it an act of cowardice, instead describing it as an inability to provide answers. Shammi emphasised the importance of leaving the industry in a better state for the next generation, urging that it be handed over in a healthier condition.

In his remarks to the media, Shammi stated, "Whether one is small or big, anyone who commits a mistake must show the willingness to correct it. That's why I have raised my voice in this organisation. Those who raise their voices should not be suppressed. As Sree Narayana Guru said, we must look in the mirror and understand ourselves. If someone holds a casteist mindset while being part of an organisation, such problems will arise. The organisation has had caste-based discrimination since its inception, and I will not deny that. I have evidence to prove it. I have documents in hand."

He continued, "I don't consider the mass resignation as an act of cowardice but rather as a failure to provide answers. What can one do when there are no answers to the questions raised? Some will mock, while others will remain silent. The resignation of all members is a betrayal of those who voted for them. This industry should be passed on to the next generation in good condition, not in a deteriorated state. Now is the time for that. Women should take leadership roles—there is nothing wrong with that."

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