WCC calls for unity in creating safe work environments amid ongoing turmoil in Malayalam film industry

In light of the increasing allegations of sexual misconduct within the Malayalam film industry, the Women in Cinema Collective (WCC) has taken to social media to address the issue. They shared a poster with the hashtag #ChangeIsMandatory, aiming to highlight the urgent need for a safer work environment for women in the industry.
The poster says: "For women who do not have the privilege or opportunity to say 'no,' it is not your fault. For all women, let us work together to create a safe workplace."

Following the release of the Hema Commission report, which brought several allegations, including sexual harassment, to light, WCC has garnered substantial support. The organization has been widely praised for its role in addressing these serious issues. Many have openly commended WCC members for their dedication and effectiveness in tackling the challenges faced by women in the industry.

The initial press conference held by WCC, where they voiced their support for survivors, has become a topic of discussion on social media. Images from the conference have been widely shared, with many highlighting the impactful work of WCC members. The collective's efforts have been celebrated for their role in advocating for a safer and more equitable environment for women in Malayalam cinema.

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