Mohanlal has lost his ability to respond: Shammi Thilakan

Shammi Thilakan, Mohanlal. Photo: Instagram

Actor Shammi Thilakan has remarked that AMMA President Mohanlal has 'lost his ability to respond.' Speaking in the context of recent controversies surrounding the film industry, Shammi stated, 'Idols that need to be broken should be broken, and if not, they should be broken.' He further added, 'Those who have eaten salt must drink water,' suggesting that individuals must face the consequences of their actions.

Shammi also mentioned, 'My father's soul is still here, and what he experienced is also still here.' He warned that 'this storm is going to take many people along with it.'

Meanwhile, Ranjith has resigned from his position as the Academy Chairman. He informed the government that his resignation was a result of accusations made by Bengali actress Sreelekha Mitra, who alleged that he behaved inappropriately. The demand for Ranjith's resignation had been gaining momentum from various quarters.

Ranjith, who was staying at a resort in Wayanad, discreetly removed the board from his official vehicle before leaving for his residence in Kozhikode yesterday. His resignation comes shortly after actor Siddique stepped down from his position as the General Secretary of AMMA.

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