Sleeping pills, pawn shops and a confession: Unraveling Subhadra's murder

(From left) Mathews, Reynold and Sharmila being taken for medical examination from Mannachery police station. Photo: Manorama

Kalavoor: Police will submit an application to the court seeking custody of the accused in the Subhadra murder case on September 18. The accused, who have all been arrested, will be taken for evidence collection to the shops in Udupi and Alappuzha, where they pawned the gold they stole from Subhadra. They will also be taken to the house in Korthussery, where the 73-year-old woman was murdered, to recover the clothes used to strangle her. The accused are Palliparambil Mathews (35), his wife Sharmila (52) and their friend Reynold (61) are now in remand.

As per reports, the pills used to sedate Subhadra before murdering her were supplied by Reynold. According to police, Reynold stole the sleeping pills prescribed by a doctor to his son from his first marriage to use it to render Subhadra unconscious. She was given drinks mixed with the sleeping drug from August 4 to steal her gold ornaments.

The accused, in their statement, confessed to using this technique to sedate Subhadra in earlier instances. Reynold's first wife died of cancer four years ago. He remarried on August 2. According to his neighbours and people in the area, Reynold, a fisherman, had not gone to work for a long time. However, they said he started going to work again after the news of the murder broke out.

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