Private bus overturns in Kochi after ramming into traffic signal; one killed

The speeding bus reportedly skidded off the road and rammed into the signal. Photo: Manorama

Kochi: A man was killed and 13 people were injured after a private bus of Kallada group overturned at Madavana on Edappally-Aroor National Highway here on Sunday morning. The deceased is Jijo Sebastain from Wagamon. The speeding bus reportedly skidded off the road and crashed into a traffic signal leaving Jijo who was on his bike trapped under it. Though Jijo was rushed to the nearby Lakeshore hospital, he succumbed to his injuries.

The bus was on the way to Varkala from Bengaluru. It is learnt that around 42 passengers were on the bus. The majority of the passengers sustained minor injuries.

" I think the bus skidded off when the driver slammed the brake after noticing the red signal. It crashed into the signal at first and its back side hit on a bike rider who was waiting for the signal. Later, the bus overturned trapping the bike rider under it," a witness explained.

Nine people were injured in the accident. Photo: Screengrab/ Manorama News

Fire Force and police who carried out the rescue operation are continuing the searches to confirm that no one was trapped inside the bus. A crane will be taken to remove the bus from the accident spot. 

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