Tamil Nadu halts TVM-Bengaluru buses at midnight, leaves passengers stranded

Thiruvananthapuram: In an escalation of inter-state bus travel issues, Tamil Nadu on Wednesday halted Bengaluru-bound buses from Thiruvananthapuram. The buses were halted at midnight citing disputes in the One India One Tax policy.

Passengers were asked to disembark from the bus at midnight at Nagercoil in Tamil Nadu. Most passengers, including students, were Malayalis. Tamil Nadu MVD officials instructed them to find alternative transportation.

The widespread cancellation of inter-state bus services from Kerala to Tamil Nadu recently has significantly inconvenienced passengers. According to bus owners, cancellations were prompted by the Tamil Nadu Motor Vehicle Department's stringent stance on bus taxes. State bus operators assert that taxes were paid under the One India One Tax scheme, which Tamil Nadu authorities dispute.

Bus owners added that higher taxes were demanded for vehicle not registered in Tamil Nadu.  

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