Kozhikode: The body of a young man who went missing in the irrigation canal on Friday night was found in a search by the fire force and the police on Saturday morning. The deceased is Vazhayil Meethal Yadhu (24), son of Gangadharan from Asharikkanty near Kizhakkan Perambra. He drowned in the canal which is part of the Kuttiadi irrigation project, at Valayam Kantam, near the Mampally Canal bridge.

According to reports, Yadhu took on a challenge of swimming across the canal when he was returning home from work. He told his friends that he would reach the other side of the canal. Even though his friends waited, he didn't reach there. Following this, the natives, police and the fire force started a search for the youth. But they called off the search on Friday due to bad light.


On Saturday morning, the rescuers resumed the search in the canal after diverting the water to the river from Peruvannamuzhi. During this search, Yadu's body was recovered.

“The body was found before noon at a spot which is not too far from the area where he jumped into the canal,” said a police officer from Peruvannamuzhi police station.


'We have to conduct an inquiry over the incident. Inquest procedures are over. Now the body has been taken for an autopsy,' he added.