San Francisco-bound Air India flight from Delhi diverted to Russia due to technical snag

An Air India flight. Photo: Special Arrangement

Mumbai: A San Francisco-bound Air India flight from Delhi was diverted to Krasnoyarsk International Airport in Russia on Thursday due to a technical issue, the airline said. In a post on X, Air India said the aircraft had landed safely after diversion and it is working with relevant authorities to ensure passengers' care. The number of passengers on board was not immediately known. "Air India flight AI-183 operating Delhi to San Francisco has been diverted to Krasnoyarsk International Airport (UNKL) in Russia due to a technical reason," Air India said in the post. "We are working with relevant authorities to ensure guests are taken care of while we decide the next course of action," the airline said. Air India also added that the safety and well-being of its customers and crew remain a top priority.  

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