Tovino gets an adrenaline rush, here's what he did on a mountain

Tovino Thomas is among the popular young actors in Malayalam cinema. Tovino, who impresses people in meaty roles, is also an adventure freak as evidenced by the posts he shares on the social media. Tovino has recently shared the videos of him enjoying the famous and adventurous zipline trip at Jebel Jais Mountains of Ras Al Khaima. Tovino has shared the video in Instagram with the caption “Jebel Jais zipline-officially the longest in the world and unofficially the fastest”.

Jebel Jais mountain ranges host UAE’s highest tourist centre. The zipline starts from here. The zipline is installed at a height of 1934m from sea level. Because of the altitude, the atmospheric temperature at the top of Jebel Jais is about 10 degrees lower than the temperature at the bottom. The cooler climate attracts a lot of tourists to Jebel Jais both in winter and summer.

The zipline ride in which the riders have to slide down at high speed along stretched steel wires from higher peaks to lower hills terrorize even the onlookers. The stretch is of 3 kilometers. Tovino, sharing the video describes the trip as heart-stopping. The speed can reach anywhere between 120km/hour to 150km/hour.

The zipline trip is only allowed to visitors of certain weight and height. The weight should be between 45kg and 120kg and the height should be more than 120cm. Substantial safety measures are provided along with guidance and help from the trainers. Tovino ends the video declaring the conquest of the Jebel Jais flight. The journey over huge rock formations and deep ravines is highly thrilling for every visitor.

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