Couple found dead inside house in Angamaly; two children hospitalised with burn injuries

Sumi and Sanal. Photo: Manorama News

Kochi: In a shocking incident, a couple was found dead inside their house at Puliyanam in Angamaly on Friday night. The deceased are Sanal (42) and his wife Sumi (35). Sanal was found hanging, while his wife was spotted charred to death at their house. Their 11-year-old and four-year-old sons were rushed to a private hospital with burn injuries. The duo are currently admitted to the ICU. Among the children, the younger one was critically injured.

Police suspect that either Sumi detonated the gas cylinder after Sanil attempted suicide or the latter set the house on fire and died by suicide. In the suicide note recovered from the spot, it is revealed that the couple took the grave step due to debt.

Manorama News reported that the neighbours alerted police and fire force after noticing the screams of the children and flames in the house. 

Even though Sanal was found hanging, police said there were burn injuries on his body too. Police said they identified traces of kerosene and further details will be known after the post-mortem report.

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