RSS against killing wild boars because they consider it Vishnu's avatar, it's stupid: Kerala CPM leader

Udayabhanu speaking at a march organised by Kerala Karshaka Sangham to the office of Konni DFO. Photo: Special Arrangement.

CPM Pathanamthitta district secretary has stirred a controversy by saying that RSS is against declaration of wild boar as vermin because they consider it as an incarnation of Lord Vishnu. Speaking at a march organised by Kerala Karshaka Sangham to the office of Konni DFO here on Wednesday, Udayabhanu said that RSS propagated idiotic tales.

He recounted the myth surrounding Varaha avatar of Lord Vishnu in which Vishnu took the form of a massive wild boar ( Varaha) and used his tusks to lift the earth out of the depths of the ocean.

"What do these people think? If the earth is rolled up and dragged into the sea, the water body also goes along with it. They spread such kind of nonsense. These idiots won't understand," he said.

Udayabhanu said that here the state government has no right to amend the law, instead it's upto the centre. " Here humanbeings are barely the concern. Monkeys and snakes are being worshipped. In China, they fry snakes and eat. India is a strange country. Dogs cannot be killed even though we can't send children to school because of dogs," he said.

He event went to the extent of recalling models from foreign countries without specifically mentioning any example. "In foreign countries, they survey how many animals forest can hold. They even have a system where they make it mandatory to kill a particular number of wild animals every 2-3 months. In those countries, the government decides to kill animals," said Udayabhanu.

In February, the Kerala assembly passed a resolution requesting the union ministry to amend the wild life protection act and declare wild boar 'vermin.'

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