Ajith Kumar met top RSS leader in Thrissur hotel last year; Special Branch reported it to state police chief next day

ADGP Ajith Kumar. Photo: Manorama

Thiruvananthapuram: Amid allegations by Opposition Leader VD Satheesan that ADGP MR Ajith Kumar held talks with the RSS leadership on behalf of Kerala Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan, it has now emerged that the senior police officer visited a five-star hotel in Thrissur on the day RSS General Secretary Dattatreya Hosabale was staying there.

Notably, the Special Branch of Kerala Police reported the ADGP's visit to their higher-ups the next day. According to Special Branch officers in Thrissur, Ajith Kumar arrived at the hotel on May 22, 2023, accompanied by a national office-bearer of Vijnana Bharati, a feeder organisation of the RSS. However, the officers could not confirm whom the ADGP met at the hotel.

Meanwhile, top police sources revealed that Ajith Kumar, who oversees law and order in Kerala, travelled to the hotel in a car driven by the Vijnana Bharati leader. They said this was corroborated by the logbook of his official vehicle and CCTV footage from the hotel. The Special Branch's report was forwarded to the state police chief and government the following day. Police sources added that the report is exempt from the Right to Information Act and would not be made public. Moreover, if the ADGP had met the RSS leader under instructions from the Chief Minister, no action would be likely, they added.

Interestingly, the state government is yet to refute the Opposition Leader’s allegation regarding the meeting between the senior police officer and the Sangh Parivar leader. Satheesan has also threatened to release evidence of the meeting if the government denies the claim.

In a related development, the special team under State Police Chief Sheikh Darvesh Sahib will investigate the allegations regarding the meeting, along with accusations made by Left MLA PV Anvar, who claimed that Ajith Kumar sabotaged the Thrissur Pooram festival to aid BJP candidate Suresh Gopi in the Lok Sabha election. The team will examine whether there was a deliberate attempt by the police and RSS to disrupt the festival, according to sources.

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