IUML raises Rs 36.8 crore for Wayanad relief efforts, plans to build 100 new homes

Criticism in League over loss of sitting seats, drop in victory margin
File photo: Manorama

Kozhikode: The Indian Union Muslim League (IUML) has raised Rs 36.8 crore for Wayanad relief works through crowdfunding over the past month. The party has also pledged support to the families affected by the Vilangad landslide near Nadapuram in Kozhikode district. Besides the amount, the IUML leadership announced that they received Rs 3.30 crore for constructing 22 houses, each costing Rs 15 lakh. Additionally, the party has received a contribution of 2.31 acres of land for building these houses. So far, 2,01,636 individuals have contributed to the relief fund. The party leadership noted that they continue to receive requests to contribute.

“The party has already disbursed Rs 1.41 crore for relief works from the funds collected. We have provided Rs 15,000 each to 691 families affected by the landslide as emergency relief. Additionally, Rs 50,000 was distributed to each of the 57 merchants in the area. We have also given four jeeps, three autorickshaws, and two scooters to individuals in need. The app facilitating donations will remain active until all the funds are utilised, allowing the public to monitor spending. The party plans to construct 100 houses of 1,000 square feet, each on eight cents of land,” said IUML State President Panakkad Sadiq Ali Shihab Thangal.

The party leadership also informed that the Kerala Muslim Cultural Centre (KMCC) will arrange jobs for 48 people from families affected by the landslide, with visa processing paperwork underway. The legal and educational cells of the party are also taking necessary steps on the ground.

“IUML plans to construct houses of equal size for the affected families after assessing the government’s relief efforts to avoid duplication. We have requested the government to allocate a block of land if they plan a township project. The party will finalize its relief project after discussions with the government and understanding their plans,” said PK Kunhalikutty.

The party has also extended support to the families affected by the Vilangad landslide in Kozhikode. IUML will provide Rs 1 lakh to the family of Mathew, who died in the landslide, and distribute Rs 15,000 each to the 34 affected families.

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