Political conspiracy, says Mukesh on casting director's allegations

Kollam MLA Mukesh. Photo: Manorama

Kollam: CPM MLA Mukesh rubbished casting director Tess Joseph's sexual harassment allegations against him. He claimed that he never met the woman and termed the allegation a political conspiracy.

“ I am being targeted as CPM MLA. I don't know who is behind it. Political gain is their motive. I never met this lady. I had clarified it when the same woman raised allegations against me in 2018. Citing an incident that took place about 26 years ago is really silly. I am sure they would not have thought about raising such an allegation against me if I was not a CPM MLA,” said Mukesh.

Tess Joseph alleged that Mukesh had misbehaved with her during the shooting of a reality show for a popular TV channel. She claimed that Mukesh repeatedly disturbed her while staying at a hotel. Tess had opened up about the incident during the Me Too Movement in 2018.

Tess had alleged that Mukesh had called her multiple times during the shoot of 'Kodeeshwaran' programme, and said he had conspired with the staff of a prominent hotel in Chennai (where the incident is supposed to have taken place) to shift her room to beside his. Tess, who was then part of the control room of the Kodeeshwaran programme, said that she took refuge in her colleague's room when Mukesh's phone calls became insistent. When she found during the next schedule that her room was shifted to near Mukesh's, Tess said she complained to her boss Derek O'Brien, a popular quiz show host who is now a Rajya Sabha MP for Trinamool Congress. She said Derek calmed her, and allowed her to leave for home. Now, her allegations resurfaced after she penned a note on the Hema Committee report on her Instagram story. When the news made headlines, she removed the story.

The casting director's allegation left Mukesh in a tight spot in the background of sexual assault allegations against director Ranjith and actor Siddique. Ranjith has stepped down from the post of Kerala Chalachitra Academy chairman on Sunday. While Siddique has resigned as the general secretary of AMMA.

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