Wayanad landslide: Despair for Nivedh’s family, relief for Avyakth’s relatives

Avyakth. Photo: Manorama

Kozhikode: Aneesh and his wife lay in hospital beds at a private hospital in Meppadi, recovering from injuries sustained in a devastating landslide. Their relatives stood by, struggling with the absence of answers and searching for ways to console the couple, who had lost all their three kids to the disaster.

For a fleeting moment, a ray of hope had pierced their despair as news came that one of their sons, Nivedh, had been found alive and admitted to Government Women and Child Hospital in Kozhikode. But the comfort of this news was short-lived, as they soon learned that the boy, admitted under Nived’s name, belonged to another family.

It turned out that the boy was actually Avyakth, the son of Mahesh and Ramya from Kizhakkethekkumkara in Vellarmala. Avyakth’s relatives had seen a photo of him, rescued by volunteers from Chooralmala, and rushed to the hospital. When they called him by his pet name, "Thakkudu," he responded, confirming his identity. Meanwhile, Aneesh’s relatives, clinging to hope, reviewed more photographs and confirmed with heavy hearts that the child was not Nivedh.

When they informed Manoj, Avyakth's uncle, he was filled with relief. He conveyed his gratitude to Aneesh's relatives for their care and efforts in ensuring the child received treatment. It was a bittersweet moment—one family finding solace while another plunged deeper into the abyss of uncertainty.

Aneesh’s relatives had braved the landslide's aftermath, navigating the dangerous Thamarassery-Eengappuzha route and overcame the landslide and floods on the way to get the boy to the hospital.

Meanwhile, Mahesh’s family faced their own tragedy. Mahesh, his mother, and his daughter were still missing in the landslide, while Ramya was injured and recovering in Meppadi.

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