Unfinished virology lab in Kozhikode under scrutiny after recent Nipah strike

Representational image. angelp/iStock

Kozhikode: Work on an advanced virology lab at Kozhikode Medical College, which was sanctioned after the first outbreak of Nipah in the district is yet to be completed even after four years. With Nipah being reported again from the neighbouring Malappuram district this month, the need for the lab has become critical.

Nipah was reported for the first time in Kozhikode in 2018 and the virus had claimed several lives at that time. Subsequently, administrative sanction to set up a Bio Safety Level-3 (BSL-3) lab at the Government Medical College, Kozhikode was issued in 2019 and work began with Rs 5.5 crore allotted by the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR). However, the work was disrupted twice during the COVID-19 pandemic that struck the world in 2020 and it was resumed by the Central Public Works Department in 2021. The new estimate is Rs 11 crore, with the major equipment being purchased through the Kerala Medical Services Corporation Limited (KMSCL).

Meanwhile, the head of the Microbiology Department at the Medical College said that the work would be completed by the end of this year.

The existing lab at the Medical College has BSL-2 rating and conducts tests for all diseases, including Nipah. However, the upcoming BSL-3 lab would be equipped with more modern and sensitive devices, offering better facilities and safety standards.

Even though the final confirmation on all viral diseases has to be provided by the Virology Lab at Pune under ICMR protocol, advanced facilities at the upcoming BSL-3 lab in Kozhikode would give correct results early, enabling health workers in Kerala to launch containment measures without delay. Along with Kozhikode, work is underway on a BSL-3 lab in Alappuzha.

ICMR is setting up the labs equipped with viral diagnostic facilities as part of its project to strengthen the disease-detection mechanism at the national level. The labs will conduct tests for Nipah, monkey fever, West Nile fever and chikungunya, among other diseases. The experts who will work in the lab will be appointed by ICMR.

Advantages of BSL-3 lab
Diagnosis of diseases and research will take place in BSL-3 labs without compromising on safety. The lab will function in a sealed atmosphere, considering the presence of airborne viruses.

Labs are graded from BSL-1 to 4 by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). At present, the Virology Lab in Pune is the only lab with BSL-4 in India.

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