Kerala HC comes down on govt over indifference in handling cases

Kerala High Court
Kerala High Court. Photo: Manorama

Kochi: The Kerala High Court has criticised the state government for its indifference in the management of cases. The court came down on the administration for disrespecting the state's apex court and over the increasing backlog of cases due to government lawyers frequently asking for adjournments. Justice Dinesh Kumar Singh made the observation while hearing a case related to the nationalisation of the Ernakulam-Muvattupuzha Road. The court said if the principal secretary of the Transport Department or the officer in charge does not appear for the next hearing of the case, it will hold them in contempt of the court.

The state government had been directed to submit a counter affidavit in the case pending since 2018. However, the government has yet to submit the document. It was also directed that Principal Secretary (Tourism) K Vasuki appear before the court and explain the proceedings when the case is heard on June 11. However, the IAS officer submitted an application stating her difficulty in appearing for the hearing. This led to the bench criticising the government for being apathetic in case management and court proceedings.

The court further stated that if the counter affidavit is not submitted a fine of Rs 50,000 will be levied from the officer concerned personally. Reprimanding the principal secretary, the court said if there was difficulty in appearing, an officer with the department should have been deputed with documents instead. The case will be heard next on July 4.

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