Elderly man dies in bomb blast in Kannur

Site where bomb exploded in Kannur. Photo: Manorama

Kannur: An elderly man died in a bomb blast here in Eranholi on Tuesday. The deceased, Velayudhan, 90, was a native of Kudakkalam in Eranholi near Thalassery. 

He was collecting coconuts from a farmland near his residence. The area is close to the Eranholi panchayat office. The explosion occurred when Velayudhan tried to break open the bomb which was made of steel. His hands were severed in the impact. He succumbed to injuries even before reaching hospital.

According to local residents, Velayudhan frequented the site for collecting coconuts. The house and its premises had remained empty for a long time. 

The Thalassery police told Onmanorama that they have initiated an investigation into the incident under the supervision of Kannur Range DIG. A bomb squad is also on-site. Authorities are examining whether there are other explosives present at the location. The autopsy of the body will take place on Wednesday.

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