Instagram influencer's death: Boyfriend slapped with POCSO charges, arrested

Binoy. Photo: Manorama

Thiruvananthapuram: The police on Tuesday arrested the boyfriend of an 18-year-old Instagram influencer in connection with her death. Binoy, a resident of Uzhamalackal in Nedumangad, was apprehended following the suicide of the girl from Njalikonam, Thirumala, Thrikannapuram. Poojapura police charged him under the POCSO Act for abetment of suicide, based on a complaint filed by the girl's family.

According to the FIR, the girl and Binoy were in a romantic relationship. When she disclosed the relationship to her parents, they assured that they would arrive at a decision after consulting Binoy's parents. The teenager was asked to focus on her studies in the meantime. Two months ago, following a quarrel, the couple broke up. Distressed about the break-up, the girl attempted suicide by hanging herself at home on the night of June 10. She was rushed to Thiruvananthapuram Medical College Hospital. She died on June 16 while undergoing treatment.

Police investigations revealed that the girl had known Binoy since before puberty, and they had initially connected through social media. An inquiry by the police department is now underway into the circumstances surrounding the case.

Although the police tried to take a statement from the girl, they were unable to do so due to her deteriorating health condition. The girl had been active on Instagram with over 1 lakh followers. Her insta account showed comments referring to cyber bullying she had been subjected to in the past few weeks. 

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