Elanthoor human sacrifices: Shafi trapped haiku poet Bhagval using fake FB handle

Shafi, Bhagval Singh, Laila
Mohammed Shafi; Bhagval Singh; Laila

Kochi: Kerala on Tuesday woke up to the brutal murders of two women who were allegedly sacrificed as part of black magic to bring prosperity to a couple, who are among the three held for the heinous crime.

It all started with the main suspect Bhagval Singh, famous among online communities for penning haiku poems, receiving a friend request from the Facebook ID ‘Sridevi’. The Elanthoor native didn’t realise it was a fake ID created by Mohammed Shafi, the main conspirator, who was looking to make some quick money. The latter, disguising himself as a young woman, succeeded in building a friendship with Bhagval Singh and won his trust in a short span.

‘Sridevi’ managed to impress upon the haiku poet that he could achieve prosperity by performing black magic and that ‘she’ knew a practitioner. Shafi didn’t reveal that he himself was the practitioner.

Bhagval Singh and his wife Laila were soon deceived into believing the “wonderful results” of black magic. They finally agreed to talk with Shafi the “practitioner” and invited him to the house. Laila is Bhagval's second wife. He divorced the first.

Shafi, who reached the house of the haiku poet, supposedly indulged in sexual intercourse with Laila after convincing the couple that the same was part of the ritual. 

Once Bhagval expressed his willingness to spend huge amounts to ensure the ritual yielded positive results, Shafi suggested a human sacrifice. The couple agreed to this and entrusted him with finding the ‘victim’, police sources involved in the investigation, said. 

It was then Shafi approached Vadakkencherry native Rosly, who was residing in Kalady, and Padmam, who ran a lottery business at Kadavanthra to eke out a living. He offered them Rs 10 lakh after lying to them they were being cast in a movie. The unsuspecting victims fell for his trap.

He then took Rosly along and brutally murdered her on the same day before performing the 'puja'. She was blindfolded, with her hands and legs tied up tightly with a rope; her breasts were cut as blood oozed out, and finally, he sliced open her neck, murdering her, the accused told the police during interrogation.

There was no serious probe even after Rosly "went missing". This emboldened the accused who planned another 'sacrifice' to make some quick money. He again approached Bhagval Singh, who desired prosperity at any cost. He made him believe that "another puja and sacrifice should be made to find a remedy for the past sins affecting the couple”.

Bhagval Singh again handed over a sizeable amount. Shafi then lured Padmam and trapped her by making the same promise to give her Rs 10 lakh to act in a film. The woman, who was struggling to eke out a living fell into his trap. He took her to Thiruvalla and brutally murdered her after subjecting her to cruel harassment. After the 'puja' that extended for a whole night, the accused cut her body into pieces and buried it. 

When Padmam went missing, her son lodged a complaint. The police investigation soon revealed the details of the shocking “human sacrifices”. Though the cops had already taken Shafi into custody, they didn't reveal the same. He was subject to interrogation and his detailed statement was recorded. 

Police are investigating whether the accused had committed more such heinous crimes. They are also probing whether the accused got any outside help in carrying out the murders.

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