Air India flight bomb threat written on toilet tissue paper; 135 passengers to be questioned

Air India flight which landed at Thiruvananthapuram airport following a bomb threat. Photo: Manorama

Thiruvananthapuram. A bomb threat message was found written on a tissue paper in the toilet of the Mumbai-Thiruvananthapuram Air India flight on Thursday. Following this, the pilot alerted air traffic control. The police have taken over the investigation.

The current suspicion is that it might be a hoax message. Authorities suspect that one of the passengers wrote the message. Consequently, all 135 passengers are set to be questioned. Their luggage will be released only after the questioning is complete. So far, no bomb has been found during the inspection. A replacement flight has been arranged for passengers travelling from Thiruvananthapuram to Mumbai.

The emergency landing at Thiruvananthapuram airport took place at 8.00 am today. The flight had departed from Mumbai at 5.45 am on Thursday and was originally scheduled to land at 8.10 am but landed 10 minutes early.

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