INS Brahmaputra fire: Body of missing sailor recovered

Indian Navy's multi-role frigate INS Brahmaputra. File Photo: PTI.

New Delhi: The body of Leading Seaman Sitendra Singh, who went missing following a major fire onboard India's frontline warship INS Brahmaputra at the naval dockyard in Mumbai was found on Wednesday, officials said.

The warship was severely damaged and tilted heavily to one side following the fire on Sunday evening.

"The body of Sitendra Singh, Leading Seaman, has been found today after intensive diving operations," Navy spokesperson Commander Vivek Madhwal said. Navy Chief Admiral Dinesh K Tripathi and all personnel of the Indian Navy extend their deepest condolences to the family of Singh, he said.

Madhwal said the Navy Chief issued directions to make INS Brahmaputra seaworthy and combat ready.
Admiral Tripathi exhorted the crew of INS Brahmaputra to work towards early operationalisation of the ship, he said.

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