'Running House efficiently by silencing Opposition non-democratic,' Rahul Gandhi tells Speaker Om Birla

Article Image-Haritha - 2
Rahul Gandhi greets newly elected Lok Sabha speaker Om Birla. Photo: PTI

New Delhi: Leader of Opposition Rahul Gandhi on Wednesday requested Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla to allow the Opposition to voice their concerns in the House, while congratulating him for being elected to the post for the second time.

"Lok Sabha represented the voice of the people of India. You are the final arbiter of that voice. The government has political power. But the Opposition also represents the people. This time the Opposition represents a significantly more proportion of the people. The Opposition would like to assist you in your work, I am confident you will allow us to speak in House," he said adding that cooperation should happen on the basis of trust.

"The question is not how efficiently the House is being run. The question is how much of India's voice is being allowed to be heard in this House. The idea that you can run the House efficiently by silencing the voice of the Opposition is a non-democratic idea. This election has shown that people expect the Opposition to defend the Constitution. By allowing opposition to speak, you will do your duty of defending the Constitution of India," Rahul Gandhi said.

The Opposition Leader's remarks came after Prime Minister Narendra Modi congratulated Om Birla on his re-election as Lok Sabha Speaker and lauded his conduct as Speaker in the previous Lok Sabha. “The previous Lok Sabha notched up to 97 per cent productivity, highest in 25 years, he said, adding that Birla ensured the House's functioning even during the Covid period and maintained its dignity and decorum, at times by taking difficult decision. Birla's sweet smile keeps the House happy,” the PM said.

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