Bhubaneswar to host global dam safety meet in February

All five shutters of Cheruthoni dam in Idukki opened. Photo: Jjibin Chembola

Kozhikode: The Central Water Commission will organise a two-day international dam safety conference from February 13 in Bhubaneswar. Officials at the Commission confirmed that the recent dam openings in Kerala and the devastating flood would also be a topic of discussion at the global event.

As the registration for the conference is still on the topics to be presented from each state cannot be disclosed right now, said the officials.

However, there would be sessions on topics like emerging challenges in dam safety management, global best practices on dam safety management and governance, sustainable dam and reservoir management as well as contemporary developments in technology, construction materials, products, instrumentation, and services.

Topics on dam health monitoring, data acquisition and processing, safety reviews, risk assessment, major rehabilitation and other risk reduction investments would also come up.

The Commission is responsible for control, conservation and utilisation of water resources in the country for flood control, irrigation, navigation, drinking water supply and water power development. The Commission carries out the responsibilities in coordination with the state governments. It also undertakes the investigation, construction and execution of any such activity as required.

Kerala irrigation department and Kerala State Electricity Board will represent the state at the meet. 

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