Once home maker on brink of penury, now owner of Rs 5-crore pickle business

Krishna’s incredible talent in marketing catapulted the popularity of ‘Sree Krishna Pickles’ to meteoric success. Photo: Special arrangement

Krishna Yadav's is a poignant story that can inspire women who dream of making it big in business. It's a testament to her incredible hard work and perseverance. Her success story proves that with determination, and endurance anyone can achieve great things in life. From an ordinary homemaker with zero income, Krishna grew into the owner of an extremely successful business establishment that registers an annual return of more than Rs 5 crore. She scaled these heights not just in one day; the harsh experiences in life had taught her the lessons that motivated her to reach her destiny.

Krishna, who hails from Uttar Pradesh, struggled with severe financial crises in the mid-1990s. Realising that nothing could be achieved in life without taking risks, she borrowed Rs 500 from a friend. The family then migrated to Delhi where Krishna remained jobless for a long time. To escape the life of penury, Krishna and her husband decided to grow vegetables in a small patch of rented land. She then started making pickles using the vegetables she nurtured. They began this small enterprise with a capital of mere Rs 3000.

She decided to take up the marketing of the product herself as she didn’t want to rely on middlemen. She began selling her products on the streets. And, Krishna’s incredible talent in marketing soon took her product ‘Sree Krishna Pickles’ to success. From a ‘one-woman’ company, her firm has now grown into a well-established business that employs more than 100 women. Moreover, her company now registers an annual profit return of Rs 5 crore. In 2015, the Ministry of Women and Child Development honoured Krishna with the prestigious Nari Shakti Samman Award.

Krishna Yadav who didn’t get the chance to pursue education, is now being invited as a visiting faculty to conduct classes in India’s top universities and business schools. Krishna has cleared the path of success and achieved unbelievable triumph by confidently facing setbacks and challenges.

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