Dead butt syndrome: Do you sit for long hours? Check whether you have its symptoms

Desk jobs that require you to sit for longer hours may lead to many health issues like back pain, neck pain and stress. Photo: Shutterstock/fizkes

For quite a while now, experts have been warning us that 'sitting is the new smoking.' While many of us use watches, apps, and other devices that alert us to 'move' around after sitting for a long time, not many can afford to pay heed to these notifications, thanks to the working conditions and pressures connected to desk jobs. Even when spending an hour or two in the gyms regularly, desk jobs can hurt your metabolic rate and weight loss strategies as your immobile, sitting hours would be more than the active hours. Here are a few ways in which desk jobs can affect your health:

What is dead butt syndrome?
Desk jobs that require you to sit for longer hours may lead to many health issues like back pain, neck pain, stress, low bone density and lower back pain. Dead butt syndrome, or gluteal amnesia, is a similar health hazard that could be added to this list. Although the name sounds funny, this is a serious condition that causes severe pain and other difficulties. Longer hours of sitting would weaken the gluteal muscles and tendons causing pain and stiffness. So, these muscles forget to move when the body is in movement, which affects our postures while sitting, standing or even walking.

Symptoms of dead butt syndrome
1) Severe pain on the legs, hip and back
2) Difficulty to climb stairs
3) Difficulty to stand for a reasonable period of time on two legs, and for a few minutes on one leg
4) Difficulty to lift weights
5) Difficulty to jog for a few minutes
6) Arthritis on legs

How to cure dead butt syndrome
1) Stretching at regular intervals
2) Getting up at regular intervals and walking for a few minutes
3) Regular workouts
4) Maintaining proper posture while sitting, swimming, dancing or trying sports

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