Collector Vasuki wears used sari, makes a strong green statement

'The aim of the green protocol is to prevent damage to the environment,' Vasuki said in a Facebook video.

Thiruvananthapuram: Collector K Vasuki IAS was among major symbols of fortitude when Kerala faced the worst floods in a century. She was a great source of support for flood victims and people all over Kerala appreciated her efforts coordinating relief work.

Vasuki is now in the news again for setting a new example. The Collector recently appeared at a public function in a used sari received from the Resource Recovery Facility (RRF), functioning at Varkala Municipality Bus Stand, a couple of months ago. She again reached RRF wearing the sari while proceeding to Sivagiri Math in Varkala to take part in a meeting on green protocol organized as part of the annual pilgrimage there.

In a Facebook video, the Collector elaborated: “I don’t feel ashamed of wearing this old sari. Our motto is, ‘Old is fashionable’. The aim of the green protocol is to prevent damage to the environment. The sari I am wearing will last at least another 15 years.”

Vasuki also says that she had decided to wear as soon as she saw it. Video of that occasion is also included in the Collector’s Facebook post. The green statement made by the Collector immediately became viral on the social media.

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