Nose can give clues to a person's character, here's how to read them

Nose can tell the character of a person. Representative image

A fine nose adds to the beauty of your face. Every person has a distinct nose and its shape has been seen to have a big influence on personal characteristics. In fact, the nose reflects your character and personality.

For instance, a curved nose suggests determination, leadership qualities and high self-esteem. If the tip of the nose is pointed to the ground, the person would be courageous as well as proud. Such people do not usually entertain humour but try to show that they are jovial. Even then, they carry out tasks in a very quick manner.

Meanwhile, people with a straight and perfectly chiselled nose would have qualities such as patience, compassion, simplicity and personal attraction. They would also be dispassionate and lacking in ambition. Moreover, they are seen to maintain a liberal attitude regarding social and religious matters.

Yet another type of nose is the flat nose. People with such a nose are mostly dominant, and simplicity cannot be expected from them. However, they excel in artistic fields such as literature and poetry.

Long-nosed people have leadership qualities. They have a special liking for business and driving. Such persons are also known to find their own way to success in life.

On the other hand, a thick nose could suggest quick thinking and acting. Persons with such a nose never squander away their time. They also find faithful and loving partners.

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