Weekly prediction (September 08-14): Auspicious ceremony at home on the cards for Leo

Horoscope based on Zodiac signs. Image courtesy: Yaum Kumar Verma/Shutterstock

Aries (Medam rasi)
(Birthday from March 22 to April 20)
Family life will be joyful. You will be able to control expenses. Marriages will be fixed for singles. You will benefit from new friendships. Married life will be warm. Journeys will be beneficial. This is a lucky week for you. Pay special attention to health. There is a chance to get together with relatives.

Taurus (Edavam rasi)
(Birthday from April 21 to May 21)
Unexpected trips may become necessary. You will participate in auspicious ceremonies. You will start renovating your house. You will be able to overcome opponents. Your child living abroad will arrive on vacation. Applied loans will be granted. There will be favourable changes in the professional field. You need to pay special attention to controlling expenses.

Gemini (Midhunam)
(Birthday from May 22 to June 21)
All your endeavours will be successful. Health will improve. You will be able to continue your paused studies. A new romantic relationship will begin. Financial situation will improve. You will be able to claim and obtain rightful benefits. You may need to make more investments in your business.

Cancer (Karkidakam rasi)
(Birthday from June 22 to July 23)
Job seekers will find employment. There is a possibility of an educational trip. You will participate in charitable activities. You will get back the money you lent. You will be able to achieve things that you thought you wouldn't get. You will be able to achieve gains commensurate with your efforts. You will resolve misunderstandings with your partner.

Leo (Chingam rasi)
(Birthday from July 24 to August 23)
You will experience a period of good fortune. You will be able to achieve many things through intellectual prowess. There is a possibility of an auspicious ceremony at home. Opportunities for jobs abroad will open up. You will receive gold ornaments as gifts. You will visit holy places. A new job will bring happiness. Efforts to buy a house will progress.

Virgo (Kanni rasi)
(Birthday from August 24 to September 23)
This is generally a favourable time. You will visit relatives. Business will be profitable. There will be an auspicious ceremony in the family. Although you may face some obstacles initially, you will be able to overcome them and move forward. Your partner's support will be beneficial. You will get huge profits from your previous investments.

Libra (Thulam rasi)
(Birthday from September 24 to October 23)
This week is favourable for new friendships and romantic relationships. You can expect many unexpected gains. You will come into possession of money in many ways. You will have favourable outcomes in legal matters. Be sure to continue your prayers and rituals. You will receive some help from abroad.

Scorpio (Vrischika rasi)
(Birthday from October 24 to November 22)
You will get new income. You will be able to achieve some of your desires. You will take on new responsibilities and succeed. Take good care of your health. There is a possibility of mental stress. Since it is a time of divine grace, there will be no major harm. Marriage will be fixed for singles. You will be able to visit holy places.

Sagittarius (Dhanu rasi)
(Birthday from November 23 to December 22)
A highlight of the week would be utilizing your proximity to powerful people for helping people in distress! You can overcome all challenges with tact; business-related targets may be achieved and marital life would be smooth. You may also invest in a new scheme and some relatives are likely to come on a visit. However, you may have to face some opposition from some people.

Capricorn (Makaram rasi)
(Birthday from December 23 to January 20)
You will enter a new job. There will be happiness in the family. You will go on a pilgrimage with your relatives. You can expect good news from abroad. You will achieve great success in competitive exams. Obstacles will disappear on their own. You will be able to start building a house. Minor strokes of luck can also be expected.

Aquarius (Kumbham rasi)
(Birthday from January 21 to February 19)
You will do some things that you have been expecting for a long time. Sudden trips may become necessary. Health will improve. Family life will become happy. You will benefit from friendships with dignitaries. You will receive some benefits from the government. Students should pay more attention to their studies.

Pisces (Meenam rasi)
(Birthday February 20 to March 21)
Marriages of lovers will be fixed. You will receive good news from abroad. Family life will be warm. You will resolve differences of opinion with relatives. You will control your expenses. Profits in partnerships will increase. You are likely to receive special clothes as gifts. Take care of your health.

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