Here are few recipes using chocolate for this International Chocolate Day.

Here are few recipes using chocolate for this International Chocolate Day.

Here are few recipes using chocolate for this International Chocolate Day.

Be it in solid form or liquid form, one cannot stop loving chocolate. Be it kids or adults, anything with chocolate is unavoidable. Here are few recipes using chocolate for this International Chocolate Day.

Chocolate spread


Kids love chocolate spreads as they allow them to smear their favourite sweet on every food! But it is unfortunate that the ingredients in the spreads we buy from shops are mostly sugar and chemicals. However, it is easy to prepare our own chocolate spread at home. Read the recipe



We won't judge you for going for a few yummy choco snacks now, like this classy chocolate eclairs. Read the recipe

Chocolate pots


These simple double chocolate pots made in shot glasses or ramekins are super-cute and delicious. Not too fancy, not too cheap, they are ideal to add sweetness for moments to cherish. Read the recipe

Chocolate pudding

When you see it the first time, it will resemble a chocolate sponge cake in texture. But if you 'dig deeper', you will encounter a delicious chocolate base, which will melt like pure magic inside your mouth. Read the recipe

Chocolate chip cookies

Try to make this chocolate chip cookies with your kid and get them involved in the art of cooking. Read the recipe