How to keep wooden spoons clean

Wooden spoons and spatulas have always been integral part of our kitchens, though sometime in the last century those made of steel and aluminium made an entry. Despite, the safety ensured by the wooden spoons, many of us are still reluctant to loosen the grip on steel cutlery. The wooden ones are now often used with non-stick cookware as they won't scratch up the smooth surface and they don't cost as much as the steel spoons that are commonly used in our household.

Here are the proper ways to use wooden spoons:

- Food may get stuck in the scratches on the wooden spoon and breed bacteria. Smoothen out the scratches by rubbing it with sand paper and wash properly before use.

- Wooden spoons can be cleaned by immersing it in lukewarm soap liquid. However, do not immerse the spoons for so long.

- Immersing the washed wooden spoons in water mixed with vinegar in 50:50 ratio helps to kill the bacteria. Dry the spoons properly before using it.

- Immersing the wooden spoon in water mixed with baking soda takes away the bad odour from it.

- Rubbing warm oil on wooden spoons increases their longevity.

-- Before using wooden spoons to prepare baked goods, season them by rubbing oil with a pinch of sugar in it.

- You can check whether the oil has heated up to the right temperature for deep frying by stirring it slowly with a wooden spoon. If small bubbles get stick to the spoon, then the oil is ready.

- Place a wooden spoon in the vessel in which pasta is cooked. This prevents the pasta from sticking to each other.  

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