Notorious individuals roam free: Youtuber 'Chekuthan' claims police inaction in complaint against Bala

Aju Alex, Bala. Photo: Instagram

YouTuber Aju Alex, known as 'Chekuthan', has revealed that no action has been taken by the police regarding his complaint against actor Bala. Aju stated that despite alleging that Bala came to his home with a gun and threatened him, there has been no police response to date. He arrived at the Kadavanthra police station after learning that Bala had been arrested based on complaints from his ex-wife and daughter.

“I came to see him after hearing that Bala was arrested. I had filed a complaint against him last year. He trespassed into my home, threw things around, and threatened my life. He pointed a gun at my friend and said he would kill both of us. Despite filing a complaint, no action has been taken until now," Aju said.

Aju expressed his frustration, stating that he still hasn’t received any report regarding his case. “Notorious individuals like him are freely roaming around here. Additionally, news has surfaced about Bala assaulting a manager. This behaviour didn’t start just today; it’s ongoing. He is someone who creates problems not only online but also in public.”

He further mentioned that Bala carries a gun with him, yet there has been no investigation into that weapon. “I also filed a complaint at the commissioner’s office. Allowing such individuals to roam freely is a failure on the part of the police. Even now, they are acting submissively in front of him. The police have no need to treat this guest celebrity with such deference.”

Aju noted that when he was detained, the police acted swiftly to collect evidence. However, it took three days after his complaint for the police to visit Bala's house. “After taking his statement, they left,” he added.

In a separate context, Bala had filed a complaint months ago against various actors and their family members for using obscene language against him on social media. He addressed his complaints to the film organization 'Amma' and the Pallaarivattam police, targeting Aju Alex and Santhosh Varkey, also known as 'Araattannan.'

Following Bala's complaints, Siddique, the former general secretary of 'Amma,' took the matter seriously and initiated further action. Aju Alex and Santhosh Varkey were summoned to the police station, where they wrote and signed a statement in the presence of senior police officials, promising that such behaviour would not be repeated. The police warned them that legal action would be taken if similar incidents occurred in the future.

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