Telugu superstar Nandamuri Balakrishna’s son Nandamuri Mokshagna is all set to make his grand debut in Telugu cinema. His debut movie will be directed by Prashant Varma who helmed the blockbuster ‘Hanuman’. The movie, conceived as part of the Prashant Varma Cinematic Universe will be produced by Sudhakar Cherukuri for the banner of SLV Cinemas in association with Legend Productions.
The film is reportedly based on an ancient legend from the puranas. Meanwhile, Mokshagna who is preparing hard for this movie is being trained in acting, dancing and martial arts. The crew has also released photographs of Mokshagna in a stylish avatar. Prashant Varma said it is an honour to introduce the actor into cinema. Other details of the movie will be revealed soon.
The screen play is by Prashant Varma. M Tejaswini Nandamuri will be presenting the movie bankrolled by Sudhakar Cherukuri for the banner SLV Cinemas. Sabari is the PRO.