Learn to say 'no' and avoid the traps of exploitation: Nisha Sarangh

Nisha Sarangh. Photo: Facebook

Actress Nisha Sarangh has spoken out about the importance of learning to say 'no' to those who attempt to exploit others. She said that by mastering this skill, one can avoid falling into traps and making mistakes. Nisha firmly believes that if refusing inappropriate advances leads to losing opportunities, it’s better to let those opportunities go. She stressed that it is each individual's responsibility to avoid such pitfalls.

Nisha revealed that before stepping into the film industry, she had resolved that even if it meant working part-time in ten different households, she would find a way to survive. Despite the obstacles, she was determined to persevere, no matter the circumstances. This decision has made her unafraid of losing opportunities, as she values her integrity above all.

'If we learn to say 'no,' we won’t fall into traps or make mistakes. Blaming others after making a mistake serves no purpose. It is solely our responsibility to ensure we don’t fall into these situations. If saying 'no' means losing opportunities, then let them go and move on', Nisha stated.

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