Living in her era is an honour: Maala Parvathi praises Parvathy's courage

Maala Parvathi, Parvathy Thiruvothu. Photo: Instagram

Actress Maala Parvathi recently expressed her admiration for living in an era with strong women like Parvathy Thiruvothu. Sharing her thoughts on Instagram, Maala Parvathi emphasized the pride she feels in witnessing such powerful voices in contemporary times.
Reflecting on the influence of Parvathy, Maala Parvathi described the experience as akin to being part of a freedom struggle. She expressed her deep respect for Parvathy, calling her a visionary woman who is thinking about creating a new world. "It’s a great honour to live in the same era as Parvathy Thiruvothu," she shared, highlighting the impact Parvathy has had.

Maala Parvathi also admitted that she feels she cannot match the courage displayed by Parvathy, particularly when it comes to voicing opinions. This sentiment was shared during a discussion about the government’s decision to appoint a special committee to investigate sexual harassment in the film industry, a move that has sparked significant conversation.

Additionally, Mala Parvathi recounted a conversation with Urvashi Chechi, who praised Parvathy’s talent and determination. Urvashi expressed her support, stating that there's nothing left to hide and everything should come out in the open. She assured her solidarity with those affected, emphasizing the need for justice.

Maala Parvathi concluded by reinforcing the notion that what’s happening now feels like a freedom struggle. She stressed the importance of justice prevailing and encouraged that the investigation should continue on its proper course.

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