Jagadish criticises AMMA for delay in reacting to Hema Commission report

Jagadish. Photo: Manorama

Actor and AMMA vice-president Jagadish said the association committed a grave mistake by delaying its response to the Hema Commission report. He was speaking to reporters after AMMA general secretary Siddique met with reporters in Kochi on Friday. Jagadish also apologised for the delay on behalf of the association.
The actor said the cinema industry should function as a role model to the public and those who have committed grave offenses as mentioned in the Hema Commission report should be punished.

“If women have complained about sexual abuse incidents inside film sets, AMMA and other organisations have the moral responsibility to investigate this issue. They cannot dismiss these complaints by saying it is one-of-a-kind incident. These incidents should be brought under the purview of the investigation,” he said. “Even the complaint filed against Minister K B Ganesh Kumar should not be dismissed,” he said. He added that the state government is liable to respond to why certain crucial pages were omitted from the Hema Commission report, which was published earlier this week. The actor, meanwhile, welcomed a conclave to discuss the issues mentioned in the Hema Commission report.

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