Weekend horror marathon: Three underrated gems to watch | The Haunted Column

Posters of 'Antibirth', 'May'. Photo: IMDb

Weekends are perfect for unwinding, and what better way to relax than with a movie marathon? For horror enthusiasts looking to discover some hidden gems, here are three underrated horror films worth checking out.

Directed by Danny Perez and starring Natasha Lyonne and Chloe Sevigny, the film explores a desolate community plagued by drug-addled Marines and rumours of kidnapping. The story follows Lou, a wild-eyed stoner who wakes up after a wild night of partying with symptoms of a bizarre illness and recurring visions. As she grapples with her deteriorating grasp on reality, she becomes entangled in conspiracy theories that only deepen her confusion.

The Eyes of My Mother
Directed by Nicolas Pesce, the film follows Francisca (Kika Magalhães), who has been unperturbed by death from a young age due to her mother's background as a former surgeon in Portugal. This early exposure to human anatomy has shaped her understanding of mortality. When a tragic event disrupts her family's peaceful countryside life, her profound trauma ignites a series of dark and unique curiosities. As Francisca matures, her quest to connect with the world around her takes on an increasingly sinister dimension.

Young misfit May (Angela Bettis) had a challenging childhood due to her lazy eye. Although contact lenses have helped her adapt as an adult, her deep-seated awkwardness still causes problems. Adam (Jeremy Sisto), a young man with a passion for fixing wrecked cars, is initially drawn to May's quirks. However, her peculiar behaviour eventually drives him away, making her vulnerable to the advances of her co-worker, Polly (Anna Faris). When Polly also rejects her, May's emotional instability spirals into violence.

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