Sanusha Santhosh completes her post-graduate studies from Scotland. See details here

Sanusha poses after her graduation ceremony. Photo: Instagram/ sanusha_sanuuu

Actor Sanusha Santhosh, known mostly for her work in Malayalam cinema, successfully completed her post-graduation course in Global Mental Health from the University of Edinburgh in Scotland, recently. The actor shared her experience on social media and posted a couple of photos from the graduation ceremony. Sanusha, who had returned to Malayalam cinema with the Indrans-Urvashi film 'Jaladhara Pumpset Since 1962' last year, said she spent several sleepless nights and even faced home sickness during her stay there.

Sanusha Santhosh poses for a photo after the graduation ceremony. Photo: Instagram / sanusha.sanuuu

“As I was sitting in the beautiful McEwan Hall waiting for my name to be called in the ceremony, I remembered the girl who came in to this country, far away from all that she has ever known, with so much hopes, dreams and aspirations. The 2 long years of struggles, wanting to give up, the feeling of missing home, crying, sleepless nights, a lot of part-time & full-time jobs, hardwork, the health issues, the stress, each & every emotion I have gone through, I know has paid off finally. Thank you God, for always being my core strength and guiding me through. A million thanks to my family, who stood up as a rock for me, as my biggest support system. Know that without you telling me to keep going, your trust in me, your prayers, and immense encouragement, I’m sure I wouldn’t have reached where I am today, be it studies or my career,” she wrote.

She also thanked her brother Sanoop for 'clapping the loudest for every win that I made.' “Special thanks to Rojin Thomas chettan, for being the big brother & biggest supporter I could ever ask for. Thanks to all my friends for being there for me whenever I needed it the most, you guys made life a lot easier for me, and it’s your trust in me that gave me strength,”she wrote. “Thanks to my tutors & classmates who’s been supportive and understanding, and for all the guidance you have given me throughout my educational journey. I can’t thank enough to each one of you who respected my privacy in these two years and gave me enough space & time to share my success in due time that I wanted to. We made it !! So here it is, I’m happy & proud to let you all know that, I’m an MSc Graduate on Global Mental Health & society, from University of Edinburgh, and I owe this to myself for not giving up,for surviving & achieving what I came here for.. I’m so bloody proud of you!,” she concluded.

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