That's a fake baby bump: Soon-to-be mom Deepika Padukone becomes target of trolls again

Deepika Padukone wore a loose-fitting white shirt as she stepped out to cast her vote. Photo | X

Deepika Padukone who is in her second trimester of pregnancy, was once again targeted by online trolls as she stepped out to cast her vote as part of the Lok Sabha elections in Mumbai on Monday. The soon-to-be mother had flaunted her baby bump as she arrived with her actor-husband Ranveer Singh to cast her vote at a polling station.
While many people showered love upon the actor, a section of netizens did not lose the opportunity to comment about her baby bump. Some even went to the extent of claiming that the bump was fake. “Is she really pregnant? The bump looks fake,” one X user wrote. Others were also judgmental about her walk, though many women came to her rescue. “Have you never seen a pregnant woman before? Can’t you be more sensitive?,” wrote a user.

Ever since Deepika Padukone announced her pregnancy, the news has dominated conversations everywhere. Even before the official announcement, speculations about Deepika's pregnancy circulated among netizens. Recently, netizens sparked fresh rumours about the actor after she posted a picture revealing a tan line on her back. Many had claimed she was using a surrogate. It appears that Deepika will continue to face such comments for the foreseeable future.

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