He is a great actor in real life too: Ambili reacts to Adithyan Jayan’s suicide bid

television actress Ambili Devi said that her estranged husband Adithyan was a good actor in real life too. She added that she has decided to take the legal recourse in this matter. Meanwhile, Adithyan had attempted suicide by slitting his wrist and is currently recovering at a hospital in Thrissur. 

“Adithyan had mentally tortured me without considering that I was his wife, a mother or a woman. He insulted me by saying that he had proof against me, which never existed in the first place. I had suffered severe assaults and torture. Now, I have decided to take the legal route. However, he keeps threatening that I cannot do anything as he has high contacts in the police. But I have faith in law,” says Ambili. 

Ambili, meanwhile, challenged Adithyan to prove his allegations that she had extra marital affairs. She added that she was ready to cooperate with any investigations. “The phone calls between Adithyan and his friend Greeshma should be checked. I have already filed complaints with Karunagapally SP, Chavara police station and with cyber cell too,” noted Ambili. She said that Adithyan should pay for insulting womanhood. However, she clarified that she hasn’t decided about the future of her marriage, yet. She was firm when she said that those who attack her on online spaces do not deserve answers. 

“Some people might not believe if I open up about what had actually happened in my marital life. I now feel that this marriage was a grave mistake. I only knew about his first marriage and a live – in relationship. I could see Adithyan’s other face only after marriage. He acted as if he was a good person. He is an amazing actor. He acted even in front of my parents. That is what led to this marriage,” said Ambili. She sternly said that she wouldn’t back out from her decision to take the legal route. 

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