People flock to thank K’taka MLA Satish Krishna Sail at Arjun's residence

Recognising Satish Sail among the mourners at Arjun's residence, many in the crowd approached him for selfies and to express their gratitude. Photo: Manorama.

Kozhikode: Karwar MLA Satish Krishna Sail, who played a pivotal role in recovering the mortal remains of Arjun, also accompanied the young truck driver on his final journey to his native place. It was this legislator who led the efforts alongside a dedicated group of individuals without a break to retrieve Arjun's remains from the depths of the Gangavali River.

Recognising Satish Sail among the mourners at Arjun's residence, many in the crowd approached him for selfies and to express their gratitude. Some even touched his feet as a mark of respect. He was thanked in different languages, including Hindi and Malayalam.

Sharing his grief, Satish Sail expressed sorrow over not being able to bring Arjun back alive. "But I am relieved that at least I could bring his mortal remains for the final rites. We faced many challenges during the search and lost hope more than once. However, the unity of the Malayali community and the support from Kerala's media kept us inspired to continue the mission," he said, also acknowledging the special interventions made by Karnataka Chief Minister M Siddaramaiah.

The MLA arrived in Kozhikode this morning, accompanying Arjun's body. It was Satish Sail who spearheaded the search operation, even arranging equipment like dredger by spending a portion of his MLA fund.

During the search, the legislator had camped at Shirur day and night, overseeing the operation and even abstaining from a legislative assembly session. The Malayali community kept following his involvement closely through the media. He also expressed his heartfelt thanks to the Malayalis for their unwavering support throughout the mission.

Forest Minister A K Saseendran, MP Shafi Parambil, MLAs Thottathil Raveendran, Ahammed Devarkovil, K M Sachin Dev, Linto Joseph, Mayor Beena Philip, and Muslim League State President Sadiq Ali Shihab Thangal also arrived at Arjun's residence to pay their last respects.

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