Grateful to God for success in Shirur, this technology can aid in future disasters: Major Gen Indrapal

Major General Indrapal. Photo: Manorama News

Shirur: Retired Major General Indrapal Nambiar, who led an army team in the Shirur search operation, said that the success at the landslide site was a huge confidence booster. "The success of the mission is God's blessing. We were unsure of how the mission would turn out. There were several challenges in the mission. The trial technology used for the mission can be used in disaster zones like Wayanad," he said. He added that the conversation with Arjun's sister and brother-in-law motivated them to keep searching for the vehicle. He also thanked the media for its support.

"The mission was challenging as we couldn't narrow down on the location due to visibility issues. We searched in the current location after we recovered some remnants of the truck near the spot. The team worked beautifully to pinpoint the location," he said.

The truck belonging to Kozhikode native Arjun was recovered from the Gangavali River on Wednesday.   The truck’s owner, Manaf, confirmed that the cabin lifted from the river was indeed from his truck, marking the end of a 72-day-long wait. According to Manaf, a body, which is suspected to be Arjun's, was also found inside the vehicle. The search team found the truck in one of the four points shortlisted.  

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