Suspicious elderly man kills wife in Kottarakara, surrenders to police

Surendran, Saraswati. Photo: Manorama

Kollam: An elderly man killed his wife by slitting her throat at their home in Pallikkal, Kottarakara, on Thursday. The deceased has been identified as Saraswati, a native of Pallikkal. She was 60. The accused, Surendran  Pillai (65), surrendered to the police after the crime. The incident occurred at 10.30 in the morning. He strangled her with a plastic rope before slitting her throat with a knife.

Surendran Pillai reportedly called his elder daughter-in-law to inform her about the murder before heading to the police station. Relatives confirmed that there had been ongoing issues between the couple, and residents said that Surendran was always suspicious of his wife. He had often harassed Saraswati under the influence of alcohol and had previously threatened to kill her. Both Saraswati and Surendran were tailors. 

According to residents, Saraswati was subjected to constant domestic abuse by her suspicious husband. "Relatives had warned him just two months ago. He had threatened his wife, telling her not to share details of the abuse with others," said residents.

Reports suggest that Surendran Pillai was suspicious of his wife and closely monitored her phone calls. “He would often abandon his tailoring work to check on her. He even reprimanded her for simple tasks like turning on the mixer grinder,”  they added.
The couple has two sons, Sanal and Subin, and daughters-in-law, Ashwathi and Sandra.

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