Elderly woman dies after mentally ill son strikes her head with a spade in Kasaragod

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Kasaragod: An elderly woman died after she was hit with a spade allegedly by her 42-year-old son at Povval in Kasaragod's Muliyar grama panchayat on Tuesday evening. The deceased has been identified as  Nabeesa (62). 

Adhur Police, investigating the case, said the man was mentally ill and had exhibited violent streaks in the past. He hit his mother on the head with the spade, said an officer. The son has been detained and is in hospital now.

His elder brother Majeed, who tried to stop the assault on the mother, also sustained injuries on his head and has been admitted to EK Nayanar Memorial Co-Operative Hospital at Chengala. Majeed is CPM's Povval Branch Secretary. Police have not yet registered an FIR.

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