Kaliyakkavilai murder: Suspect held in Tamil Nadu

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Thiruvananthapuram: The Police on Wednesday arrested a habitual offender Ambili, a native of Malayam, over his alleged involvement in the murder of businessman Deepu Soman, who was found with his throat slit at Kaliyakkavilai in Kanyakumari district on Tuesday.
Manorama News reported that Ambili used to visit Deepu's crusher unit and extort money from him. Marthandam police in Tamil Nadu nabbed Ambili in the wee hours of Wednesday. He is also an accused in the murder of goon Motta Ani in Thiruvananthapuram.

Anil, the supervisor at Deepu's crusher unit told Manorama News that Ambili and the deceased were friends. At the same time, he claimed that he had never seen Deepu paying money to Ambili.

Deepu was found dead inside his car at Kaliyakkavilai near the Kerala-Tamil Nadu border on Tuesday, and Rs 10 lakh he was carrying was also found missing. 

Deepu operated a crusher unit at Malayam in  Thiruvananthapuram. According to statements from his family, he had left for Coimbatore with Rs 10 lakh to purchase equipment, including an earth mover, to start a new crusher.

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