Amid COVID surge, 180 weekend weddings allowed at Guruvayur temple

Thiruvananthapuram: Even as COVID cases in Kerala continue to surge, the state authorities under pressure from various quarters decided to allow 180 weddings scheduled at the famed Guruvayur Sree Krishna Temple near Thrissur district on Saturday and Sunday amid strict COVID-19 protocols.

Only 12 people are allowed to attend each wedding.

Following the massive surge in COVID cases across the state, night curfew has been put in place during which all people must remain indoors from 9 pm. to 5 am.

Consequent to the nod given on Friday by the Thrissur district administration, 40 weddings planned on Saturday and 140 scheduled for Sunday would take place but with all prescribed COVID protocols.

At the same time, only 1000 devotees will be allowed to enter the temple every day. Restrictions have also been made to visit 'Aanakotta' (elephant sanctuary).

(with inputs from IANS)

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