CPM top brass know my sexual abuse plaint against P K Sasi is genuine, says ex-DYFI woman leader

'CPM top brass know my sexual abuse plaint against P K Sasi is genuine'

“I’m always a fighter, never a victim. I don’t want to be known as the woman who levelled sexual harassment charges against P K Sasi, MLA. No woman should face the humiliation of being recognised by her perpetrator’s identity. I do have a name and my own identity,” says the woman who recently resigned from the organisational posts of the Democratic Youth Federation of India (DYFI) alleging that she was harassed and hounded by leaders of the CPM’s youth wing ever since she filed a complaint against the legislator.

Excerpts from an interview:

What exactly prompted you to resign from the DYFI?

I was subjected to a witch-hunt by the DYFI district and block leaderships after I petitioned against P K Sasi, MLA. When the party state leadership initiated disciplinary actions against the MLA they tried to ostracise and intimidate me. I had not been intimated about a single block committee meeting ever since I lodged the complaint.

Though I complained to the district leaders about the unfair treatment, they chose to remain passive. The issue was brought to the notice of the party state secretary at a district committee meeting attended by him. Although he had directed the district leaders to resolve the matter, no action was initiated. The same treatment was meted out to the local DYFI leaders who supported me on the issue.

At the same time, the DYFI leader who spearheaded a smear campaign against me on the social media was promoted twice within a year. It was saddening to see those who took a pro-women stance getting sidelined. It is evident that the district committee is still subservient to P K Sasi who is placed under suspension by the party. I quit the organisational posts because I could not stand this injustice.

What was the nature of your plaint against the MLA?

Since the complaint was lodged with the party leadership, I do not want to divulge any details. However, I’m certain that the party was convinced of the gravity of the offence. Suspension of membership is a strong disciplinary action against a party member, I believe.

Was there any attempt to strike a compromise?

Of course. The DYFI district leadership and even people from outside party ranks had tried to reach a compromise and solve the issue amicably. The then DYFI district secretary and president had pressurised me to withdraw the complaint saying that they would not support me if I went ahead with it.

Another person who constantly urged me to stop pursuing the case was the CPM Mannarkkad block secretary. When I refused to budge and the state leadership stood firmly behind me, certain persons from outside party circles had approached me and offered money and positions.

Are you content with the support extended by Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan and the party’s women leaders?

I was pinning my hopes on the chief minister when speculation was rife that no action would be taken on my complaint. Developments since then, including the disciplinary action against Sasi, have proved me right. I do not want to reveal more. Also, several women leaders had phoned and comforted me saying that if there was an element of truth in my complaint, the party would take appropriate action.

There were allegations that the entire episode was part of a larger conspiracy…

I went all alone to hand over the complaint to the state leaders. They were convinced of the genuineness of my grievance. That’s why he was suspended from the party’s primary membership. Since the inquiry committee appointed by the party could not find any foul play, it is up to it people who allege ‘larger conspiracy’ behind the incident to prove it.

Are CPM’s loss in the Palakkad Lok Sabha constituency and the misconduct case against the MLA interrelated?

The party is well aware of the reasons behind the defeat. I cannot comment on other theories.

The DYFI leadership has been claiming that it did not receive your resignation letter and that your action has no precedent…

I will not hold any organisational positions in the DYFI when injustice and discriminatory practices rule the roost. I’m firm on my stance but I will continue to be a party member.

(Though the woman has given permission to publish her name and personal details, we have refrained from doing so on legal, ethical and moral grounds.)

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