How to ensure your child's safety during rain holidays

Representative image: Shutterstock/Manoj Choughule

As heavy rains in Kerala lead to school holidays and your child stays home, ensuring their safety and well-being becomes a top priority. The monsoon season brings with it a set of challenges that require extra precautions. From the dangers posed by waterbodies to the risk of waterborne diseases, it's crucial to be vigilant and proactive. Additionally, keeping children engaged in productive activities indoors can make the time spent at home both enjoyable and beneficial. Here are some essential tips to keep in mind:

1. Avoid waterbodies

  • Stay Away from rivers and ponds. The risk of drowning increases during heavy rains due to swift currents and rising water levels. Keep your children away from rivers, ponds, and other waterbodies.
  • Avoid playing or walking in flooded areas and puddles as they can be deeper than they appear and may have strong currents.

2. Prevent waterborne diseases

  • Clean drinking water: Ensure that your child drinks only boiled or filtered water to prevent waterborne diseases such as cholera and typhoid.
  • Hygiene: Encourage frequent handwashing with soap, especially before meals, to avoid infections.

3. Stay updated on weather alerts

  • Monitor news: Keep an eye on weather updates and alerts through news channels or reliable weather apps.
  • Emergency contacts: Have a list of emergency contact numbers handy in case of severe weather conditions.

4. Warm food and beverages

  • Nutritious meals: Serve warm, freshly cooked food to boost immunity and keep your child healthy.
  • Hydration: Ensure they drink plenty of fluids, like warm soups and herbal teas, to stay hydrated.

5. Indoor activities

  • Educational games: Engage your child in educational games and activities to keep their mind active.
  • Creative projects: Encourage activities like drawing, reading, or DIY crafts to foster creativity.
  • Indoor sports: Promote indoor games like chess, carrom, or even simple exercises to keep them physically active.

By following these tips, you can ensure your child's safety and make the most of their time at home during a rain holiday. Stay safe and enjoy!

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