633 Indian students died abroad in 5 years, 19 deaths due to attacks

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A total of 633 Indian students died in various foreign countries in the past five years, according to a parliament reply. Of this, 19 were killed in multiple attacks.
As per the reply furnished in the Lok Sabha by Minister of State for External Affairs Kirti Vardhan Singh, Indian students died due to various reasons, including natural causes, accidents and medical conditions. Canada and the United States reported the most number of deaths -- 172 and 108, respectively. In Canada, nine students died due to attacks, while six were killed in the US.

The United Kingdom reported 58 deaths and in Australia, 57 Indian students died in the past five years. The minister said Indian missions take up the cases of untoward incidents immediately with the authorities concerned of the host country to ensure that they are properly investigated and the perpetrators are punished. During emergencies or crises, Indian Missions proactively help distressed or stranded students overseas by providing them with food, shelter, and medicines and ensuring their return to India as soon as possible.

Most recently, stranded students were evacuated to India through the Vande Bharat Mission, Operation Ganga and Operation Ajay from countries around the world, the minister said.

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